Dexter Lions Club
PO Box 102
Dexter, MI 48130
Dexter Lions News
Serving the Dexter community for over 40 years!
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The Dexter Lions will open there tree lot early this year since Thanksgiving comes late. Forty-four years ago the Dexter Lions started their Christmas tree Lot in front of Gould’s Gas Station on Baker Road with 235 trees. This year they have ordered 1310 trees. This is the club’s main fundraiser with all the funds going back into the community supporting their Community Service projects. The Lions have gotten many repeat customers with some traveling over 50 miles to get their trees. The tree lot is located next to Creekside School on Baker Rd. The hours that the Tree Lot is open this year are:
Sunday, November 24th- 12p.m.-4p.m.
November 25th-27th – 2 p.m.-8 p.m.
Friday, November 29th- 9 a.m.- 8 p.m.
After November 29th:
Saturdays and Sundays- 9 a.m.-8 p.m.
Monday- Friday- 2 p.m.-8 p.m.
The Dexter Lions offer additional items for sale which Include: Tree stands, 3 types of roping, and various sizes of wreaths. They also assist with trimming your tree and putting it in or on your vehicle. For the children who come to help pick out the tree there are candy canes and coloring books. It is a fun event for the Lions members who appreciate the community support. The Dexter Lions have various middle school and high school clubs, Athletic teams, Boy & Girl Scouts who also help unload and set up the trees. Over the past three years, the Dexter Lions have sold out of all their trees over a two week period. The Lions hope to see you and help you pick out your tree in the coming month.
It’s that time of year to begin getting ready for our annual Fundraiser- Christmas Tree Sales. Because Thanksgiving is late this year, Lion Christmas Tree Chairman, Bob decided it would be important for us to open early. The Dexter Lions Tree lot will open on Sunday, November 24th
from Noon to 4:00 p.m. We will also be open November 25th-27th from 2-5p.m. & 5p.m.-8:00 p.m.
The Dexter Lions will be working this year with the Kidsight Program which is sponsored by Lions of Michigan Foundation. This is a program where the Lions go into pre-schools and schools to do vision screenings of children between the ages of 2-14. This is a free screening done with a camera that can pick up various eye issues that affect a child’s vision. The screeners have been trained and have also gone through a background check. They look forward to doing over 100 screenings this year.
The Dexter Lions awarded six(6)- $ 1000.00 scholarships to Seniors in the 2024 Graduating class. The following students received one of the scholarships: Charlotte Bruderly, Owen Brudery, Bonnie Keating, Lachlan Imfeld, and Dominic Shaw. The Ronald raiford memorial Scholarship went to Emily Baksik. The funds for the scholarships are made possible by the advertising and sales of the Dexter High School Fall Sports and Band Program,
The installation of officers and awards was held on Sunday, June 30th at the Dexter American Legion. There were 42 Dexter Lions and guests in attendance. Special guests were PID Esther LaMothe who presented the Esther LaMothe Fellowship and PDG Vicki Ruiz who did the installation of the new officers. It was a great time and congratulations to this year’s award and Fellowship recipients. They were: Lion of the Year- Lion David Steptoe, Ken E. Lautzenheiser Fellowship- Lion Rex Reeve , Esther LaMothe Fellowship- Lion Patty Dobbs , Melvin Jones Fellowship- Lion Jamey Lobdell . Lion President Becky gave a report on the year and presented certificates of appreciation to some of the Dexter Lions members. She also recognized the Charter members who were present and gave them their 45 year chevrons. Those present were: Lion Dick Dettling, Lion Bill Etzel , Lion Lou Ceriani, Lion Jim Augustine , and Lion Gary Gould. Thank you to Lion Chuck & Lion Patty for the desserts!! Thank you to Lion Marge Campbell for the decorations !!
The Dexter Lions also sold Bicentennial Pins and Bicentennial Tee Shirts.
Thank you to the following Lions who assisted with these activities: Lion Dave Steptoe, Lion Dick Dettling , Lion Gary Gould , Lion Becca Phillips , Lion Becky Walters , Lion Terry Walters , Lion Donna Piper , Lion Richard Range , Lion Gail Girbach , Lion Sharon Wheeler , Lion Jerry Black , Lion Mary Black , Lion Rex Reeve, Lion Doug Edwards and Kim Steptoe. The gross profit from the pins and shirt sales was $ 4956.55 with $ 2000.00 going to Faith In Action and $ 906.00 going to the Dexter Historical Society. Again thank you to Lion Dave Steptoe for all your leadership and work in organizing these sales!
The Dexter Lions have been working for the past six months to replace the community sign that is at Bates on Baker Road as you enter town. The old sign was rusting and needed repair. The Dexter Lions and the Dexter Community Schools shared in the cost of having a new sign done. Lion Dave Steptoe was in charge and worked to contact other churches and organizations that were on the sign as you come into town. He also did a lot of the prep work getting ready for the sign and Dexter Schools Maintenance staff put the sign up. Each Church donated to have their name printed on the sign. It was finally installed on December 21st. Take time to look at the sign when you come into Dexter. Thank you to everyone who helped with the community sign. Good work, Lion Dave!
One of the projects of the Dexter Lions is to collect used eyeglasses and sunglasses. We usually get 2000-3000 eyeglasses each year to be recycled so that others may get glasses that need them but cannot afford them. The glasses are collected in Dexter at even various locations. We deliver them to Michigan Center where they are taken to Grand Rapids and the glasses are cleaned and repaired and inventoried. They then go to various areas in the USA and other countries by way of Eyeglass Mission trips where the poor and needy are fitted with the appropriate glasses. We appreciate all the support we get from the Dexter Community. The drop off locations in
Dexter are : 1. Dexter City Offices
2. Huron River Methodist Church
3. St. Joes Country Church
4. Main Street Optometry
5. Dexter Family Optometry
6. Old National Bank
7. Chelsea State Bank
8. U of M Family Practice( 7300 Dexter AA Rd.)
Dexter Lions Participate in Peace Poster Contest
The Dexter Lions participated in the Lions Clubs International Peace Poster Contest. Lion Chairman, John Gochis worked with the Art Teacher, Amara Karapas at Mill Creek Middle School She had over 80 students participate in drawing a Peace Poster. There were three finalists. The first Place poster was done by Anya Dazzo. Second place went to Delia Smaby and third place went to Mary Hobbs. The Dexter Lions furnished cider and donuts for all the students who participated. The Lions club gave a cash award to the top three Peace Poster
students. Anya attended the Dexter Lions meeting with her parents and art teacher to receive her award. Her poster was sent on for District and State judging.
SWING SET DEDICATION-The dedication of the new special Happy swing set at Community Park was held on Sunday, May 19th. The Dexter Lions were major contributors to the gazebo and the swing set that was installed at Community Park which is behind LaFontaine Chevrolet. Lion Jerry & Lion Mary Black, and Lion Gil and Lion Marge Campbell attended the dedication ceremony. The Dexter Lions had approved the funds for the purchase of these special Happy swings almost two years ago but it took time to get them and install them. The family did praise the Dexter Lions for being the major contributor at the dedication and recognized the Dexter Lions in attendance. If you get a chance, stop by the park and see the swings that the Dexter Lions purchased. There are photos in this newsletter.
WHITE CANE- The Dexter Lions White Cane collection was held on Friday, May 24th and Saturday, May 25th. This is a very important community project where we collect funds to support our sight and vision projects .This year the funds collected will go to: Penrickton Center for Blind Children, Leader Dogs for the Blind, and Eversight. We had 19 Lions and 2 Lions for the Day working on this project and were able to collect almost $ 2,800.00. Thank you to Lion Patty Dobbs for chairing this project and to all the members who took time to stand outside businesses and collect the funds. Pam Smaby ,her daughter and leader dog, Sylvie helped with White Cane by doing a shift at the Dexter Bakery on Saturday. ( they were our Lions for the day)
DEXTER LION SCHOLARSHIPS- The Dexter Lions awarded six (6)- $1000.00 scholarships this year for Dexter High School Seniors. There were 5 regular scholarships and 1 Ronald Raiford Memorial Scholarship for a student who is going into one of the trades. The Scholarships were presented at the Dexter High School Honors Convocation held on May 29th. The Ronald Raiford Memorial Scholarship went to: Emily Baksik . The other Dexter Lions Scholarships went to: Dominic Shaw, Bonnie Keating, Lachlan Imfeld , Charlotte Bruderly and Owen Bruderly .Thank you to the following Lions who volunteered to do the judging: Lion Carol Hutsko, Lion Gail Girbach , Lion Bill Etzel and Lion Dick Dettling. Most of the funds for the scholarships come from our Fall Sports Program.
​​Other Dexter Lions Community Programs
Apple Daze
Basketball Games
Brick Sales
Candy Sales
Christmas Luminaries
Christmas Party
Christmas Tree Sales
Club Pins
Cub Scouts Pack 477
Dexter Ann Arbor Run
Dexter Daze
Dexter Lions Clothing
District Projects
Eyeglass Collection
Eyeglass Help
Fall Sports Program
Family Picnic
Football Games
Golf Outing and Steak Fry
Hearing Aid Help
Help for Individuals
Installation of Officers
International Projects
Monument and Lions Park
Newsletter and Calendar
Peace Posters
Prom Parking and Donation
Relay for Life
Senior Get Stuffed
State Projects
White Cane
Highlighted Community Program: Dexter Lions Gazebo Bricks - The Dexter Lions Club is offering you a great way to identify yourself with your love of Dexter. Click here to get more information and apply.