Dexter Lions Club
PO Box 102
Dexter, MI 48130
Lions are members of community service clubs, dedicated to the idea that the men and women who live in a community are in the best position to know who needs help and why. More than 46,500 strong, these local clubs are part of the world’s largest such organization, with over 1.4 million members serving in more than 210 countries and areas. The association is both non-political and non-sectarian. Lions are now best known for their sight-related programs, including SightFirst, the world’s largest blindness prevention program.
We Serve
The Dexter Lions Club is a group of service-minded citizens who are interested in doing volunteer work to improve their communities. We are young people, families and baby boomers alike. To become a Lion is to become an active volunteer, a member of a respected international organization, a leader in your community and a friend to people in need.
The local and international Lions are dedicated to be Knights Of The Blind as charged by Helen Keller early in the 20th century. Diabetes, drug awareness and children's programs are a big part of the Lions Club interests as well.
The Dexter Lions first responsibility is to our local community. Yet we have enough resources to support state, national & international activities. Being a member of the Dexter Lions Club is a personal commitment each of us makes with great pride.
2024-2025 Officer/Board Members

The following Dexter Lions have stepped forward to serve in an officer capacity for the Dexter Lions in 2024-2025:
Past President- Lion Becky Walters
President- Lion Dave Steptoe
1st Vice President- Lion Terry Walters
2nd Vice President- Lion Abby Briggs
3rd Vice President- Lion Chuck Hughes
Secretary- Lion Donna Piper
Assistant Secretary- Lion Jerry Black
Treasurer- Lion Kelley Fawcett
Membership Chair- Lion DeWayne Grann
Lion Tamer- Lion Bruce Forshee
Tail Twister- Lion Chuck Hughes
LCIF Coordinator- Lion Terry Walters
Disaster Relief- Lion Dick Dettling
​ Board of Directors:
Lion Mike Head, Lion Jerry Black, Lion Gil Campbell, Lion Dick Dettling, Lion Jay Myers, Lion Bob Steptoe, Lion Rex Reeve, Lion Bill Etzel. Lion Marge Campbell